Tuesday, December 4, 2007

In Sickness... And Pictures!

My friend hasn't been feeling well lately. I've been busy helping to "take care" of her, so please excuse my lack of posting lately. She's feeling better today, though, and here are some promised pictures :-)

As you can see, this is me enjoying the family piano. I can't remember what I was playing, but I know I had some fun after I got the hang of it. You humans must only get half the enjoyment, since you only use half the limbs!

And, as you can see in my other pic for today, I like to get a good view...

BUNNY FACT: A bunny's house needs "bunny-proofed." Failure to do that could cause damage to your bunny or your house (or both!). I was allowed on the ledge with the houseplant just for a few moments and my friend was right there with me.

BUNNY WISDOM: Be expressive! We bunny-rabbits sure are. Just watch us!

As I mentioned, the infrequent posting should be a rare thing. I will do my best to be back to posting daily unless something else would come up. Thanks for staying with me!


Anonymous said...

Dot - you're cute! Thanks for the update. Hope your friend stays well.

Anonymous said...

Great pictures, Dot!! I really hope your friend feels better soon.

Take care,

P.S. I've been trying to litter train Molly to no avail! :-)

^_^ Dot ^_^ said...

Hello Tanya, thanks for commenting.

Erica, I guess some bunnies like to be stubborn! I assume you've tried all the "normal" tactics, so my only advice would be to keep at it!