Thursday, November 29, 2007

Nice and Frosty

Has anyone noticed the weather lately? Depending on where you are it may or may not be very chilly outside. In my undisclosed location, it's alternating between nice... and frosty!

BUNNY FACT: Rabbits can stand cold temps, but drafts they cannot take. So, keep your bunny relatively warm and make sure he or she is not having any air directly blown on them.

Just a reminder - you also may want to do some simple things around the house to reduce your heating bills this winter season if you haven't already. It's more practical to do them before it feels like the arctic outside :-)

BUNNY WISDOM: How many times a day do you complain? Chances are more than you should, right? Bunnies actually complain as well. They might tip over their food bowls or chew up a household item, maybe even mutilate their cage. Most of us could use some encouragement not to complain!

Personally, I enjoy the websites that are educational and fun. Here is one that I love - Braingle. "Braingle" is one great website. From games, trivia, brain teasers and lots more there's got to be something you'll like!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Very good post Dot!! Email me when ya get a chance :-)

Talk to ya later,