Have you ever thought about the ancestors of modern day pet rabbits? They weren't just frolicking around in the woods as Holland Lops, Flemish Giants, and Dwarf Hotots :)
The mysterious family tree of the lagamorphs we love has confounded evolutionists. Obviously they are related to similar animals like perhaps the pika, coney, hare, and cottontail. After this kinship, however, there is little else showing a positive connection. Some think rabbits are related to rodents, while other claim they're more like ungulates (including cows, etc!)
It is clear that animals produce after their kind. It is unscientific to say that a few similarities to each other prove they all came from a rock. I mean they lived in and around rocks, but their lives did not spring from the rock!

The bunnies in this picture must know they're safe; it looks like they're relaxing!
BUNNY WISDOM: Some people make extravagant claims about which animal came from a few certain bones. It's best to check it out for yourself, as even the bones may tell you otherwise. For an interesting collection of information about evolution see this website.
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