Wednesday, December 19, 2007


Rabbits sure are short in comparison with people. In honor of that difference, this blog post is going to be short ;-)

BUNNY FACT: When I stand on my back legs, I can be almost two feet tall. I can't find the info online, but I'm supposing the larger breeds can get near three feet tall.

BUNNY WISDOM: Our mouths can get us in a lot of trouble. We can be thought wise by keeping out thoughts to ourself for the most part.


Shelley said...

(I'm passing along a message from my bunny, Snickers.)

Hi Dot! I'm a Holland lop too, and I'm short. But that's OK, because good things come in small packages! I'm not really sure what that means, but that's what my person -- Shelley -- says all the time.

Would you like to exchange blog links with Shelley? She's a nice person, especially when she gives me cilantro and parsley and kale!

^_^ Dot ^_^ said...

Hi Shelley & Snickers,
Sure, I'd like to do that. Let me try to figure out how!
Ohh.. parsley is a favorite of mine too! Believe it or not our pot of it is still growing outside, even though it's pretty cold here.