Today I woke up nice and early to wake up my friend, then I went back to bed. I think she would have appreciated it if I wouldn't have got her up, since she had things she needed to do this morning. She wanted to be "refreshed" and "alert." Whatever...
BUNNY FACT: Rabbits and cats can get along as pals! Many people report the different animals grooming and playing with each other.
My friend doesn't have a cat, since she's allergic to cat dander. But she's read stories where adult cats nurse baby bunnies, and adult rabbits nurse kittens It's definitely interesting. I wonder if rabbits could ever get along with these cats??
I'm just kidding (mostly). I don't really think lions or tigers would accept baby bunnies as anything but lunch.
BUNNY WISDOM: Know your friends! House cats may or may not get along with rabbits, and so bunnies, along with their owners, must be on the lookout for ill conduct. In the human realm avoiding lion-like people might save you some trouble.
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