Thursday, December 27, 2007

Trees, Trees


If you know me, you know I love them. The leaves are great for jumping in. The sticks are delightful to chew. A tree's shade is always welcome on those warm summer days.

Some trees besides "evergreens" keep most of their leaves year-round. Think of the palm. They do drop their fronds, but not all at once like most deciduous trees. That doesn't help me very much, though.

I wonder if an in-house tree could work for us. Any ideas?

Now for a miscellaneous bunny fact and piece of wisdom...

BUNNY FACT: Bunnies like to rub noses, lick, and nudge. They are all signs of affection and should be responded to by giving back more love!

BUNNY WISDOM: It's not necessary to break the silence on a quiet day. Seldom do rabbits make noises. Absorb the sounds of nothing every now and then!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I can't remember what type of tree it was we had, but an indoor tree that we had died soon after we got it :(