Sunday, November 18, 2007

A Quiet, Sleepy Evening

Actually, it's been sort of a sleepy whole day for me. Perhaps it's the weather? I was also tuckered out yesterday, since we had a guest who wanted to play with me :-)

Our guest brought some sad news; a distant relative has passed away. If I heard correctly, he was at the ripe, old age of 94. It made me wonder what the average lifespan for a bunny is! Naturally, just like people, there is no guarantee of tomorrow. But, how much more time do I probably have to live with my wonderful friends? About nine or so years at least, hopefully!

BUNNY FACT: An average rabbit's lifespan is 9-10 years. Many things contribute to the health and long life of a rabbit, including whether the bunny has been (altered) fixed, how much stress is placed upon the animal, and the overall cleanliness of the living area.

Should any of you be interested in adding a rabbit to your family, please don't purchase one from a pet shop. Sometimes they are unhealthy and they're often not used to a lot of human contact - in other words they probably won't like people! Local rescues and shelters might have the bunny for you. It never hurts to look and see what they have available, and you may save another animal from being euthanized.

In my opinion, a rabbit breeder is the best place to find a young, purebred bunny. That way, you can meet the folks who've raised him/her and they can give you advice. I came from a breeder at 12 weeks of age (an optimum age for weaned bunnies to readjust into new homes). Rabbit enthusiasts may breed rabbits for the best of their specialized breed and have rabbits that don't meet the standard of perfection, but still make totally amazing pets!

BUNNY WISDOM: Cherish the moments you have and never waste them on bickering, backbiting or things of that nature. We bunnies know they don't help anything! Well... usually we know that. "Everybunny" slips up sometimes.


Anonymous said...

Great blog, Dot. I saw you on and couldn't help but check out your site!

Anonymous said...

Also, I forgot to say I'm sorry to hear about your friend's relative. Hope you all are doing well.

^_^ Dot ^_^ said...

Hi baby_bunnies_4_. Yes, we are doing well. Thanks for coming to my blog and for commenting too. I hope you enjoy it ;)

Anonymous said...

Kudos on the blog! We are bunny lovers with nine of our own, three which have moved into a more restful state of being. We agree about not getting a bunny from a store. We advocate for bunnies by word of mouth, most recently to a local store called SuperPetz that is owned by Weis Markets. We asked the store to consider changing from selling to partnering with local rescues to have adoptable bunnies instead. The store's shift supervisor flatly said, "no." We plan to contact the regional or corporate office directly to express our thoughts. While we do our part, you are truly doing yours too. Thanks for creating your blog and sharing with others.