Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Modern Technology : (

The digital camera I mentioned did again fail to work. It turns on, then shuts off as soon as you try to snap a picture. So, please excuse me for not having any new pictures for a while. Marvelous technology! On the other hand, if it weren't for technology, my life would not be blogged about.

On a brighter note still, this is the seventh posting since I've started my blog last week. It hasn't been too hard yet to find things to write about, and I'm just glad I've been able to be faithful for the first complete week.

BUNNY FACT: Rabbits of almost all ages enjoy a good toy. Inexpensive ones like a cardboard tube from paper towels are great! We happen to have an old apple tree outside, so I got a fresh piece of apple wood to chew on recently. Other woods should be aged 3-6 months, and some woods like peach and cherry shouldn't be given at all.

BUNNY WISDOM: When things go wrong, such as an electronic product going hay-wire, it's okay to vent some frustration. Just try to make it harmless to others as well as yourself.

With Thanksgiving tomorrow, I have a lot to do. I'm thinking I ought to keep alert for any new visitors, by sight and scents.

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