Monday, November 19, 2007

Pizza Night!

Normally pizza night is Tuesday. My friend has plans tomorrow, so tonight we're having pizza. Not really we, just her... I'm not allowed to have pizza! But I delight in the smell of it!

BUNNY FACT: Let me readily say that no bunny should be given pizza! Lots of different veggies and fruits are wonderful, but even veggie pizza is not.

Maybe if any of you have allergies you can relate. Some people can't have peanuts or chocolate. For a list of good and bad foods for bunnies, click here.

BUNNY WISDOM: When there is something we are not allowed to have, it is often in our best interest not to fight it - to stay away from the object or activity in question. At least far enough away not to be able to lick it... smelling it might be okay : )

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