Has anyone noticed the weather lately? Depending on where you are it may or may not be very chilly outside. In my undisclosed location, it's alternating between nice... and frosty!
BUNNY FACT: Rabbits can stand cold temps, but drafts they cannot take. So, keep your bunny relatively warm and make sure he or she is not having any air directly blown on them.
Just a reminder - you also may want to do some simple things around the house to reduce your heating bills this winter season if you haven't already. It's more practical to do them before it feels like the arctic outside :-)
BUNNY WISDOM: How many times a day do you complain? Chances are more than you should, right? Bunnies actually complain as well. They might tip over their food bowls or chew up a household item, maybe even mutilate their cage. Most of us could use some encouragement not to complain!
Personally, I enjoy the websites that are educational and fun. Here is one that I love - Braingle. "Braingle" is one great website. From games, trivia, brain teasers and lots more there's got to be something you'll like!
Thursday, November 29, 2007
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Lucky Thirteenth
Welcome to the 13th post on My Bunny Life.
If my 13th post would have landed on a Friday... maybe I would mind it a little. At least it's good, old Tuesday and there aren't any superstitions about bunnies anyway.
BUNNY FACT: There are currently 47 recognized rabbit breeds in the United States. For pictures of them all visit the American Rabbit Breeder's Association's site, here. It's very neat to see all the varieties!
BUNNY WISDOM: A rabbit is still a bunny on the inside no matter what he or she looks like, even though some of the very fluffy ones you may have to look at twice to tell! Likewise, people have many different colors, styles, and sizes - yet the human spirit dwells in all.
Let's take a moment to think of those who are less fortunate. I came across this website, www.freerice.com, which appears to be a great way to help others. You get to play a totally free vocabulary game and the advertisers send rice to needy people. Sounds good to me.
If my 13th post would have landed on a Friday... maybe I would mind it a little. At least it's good, old Tuesday and there aren't any superstitions about bunnies anyway.
BUNNY FACT: There are currently 47 recognized rabbit breeds in the United States. For pictures of them all visit the American Rabbit Breeder's Association's site, here. It's very neat to see all the varieties!
BUNNY WISDOM: A rabbit is still a bunny on the inside no matter what he or she looks like, even though some of the very fluffy ones you may have to look at twice to tell! Likewise, people have many different colors, styles, and sizes - yet the human spirit dwells in all.
Let's take a moment to think of those who are less fortunate. I came across this website, www.freerice.com, which appears to be a great way to help others. You get to play a totally free vocabulary game and the advertisers send rice to needy people. Sounds good to me.
13th post,
free rice,
rabbit breeds
Monday, November 26, 2007
Dreary and Rainy
The title for today doesn't describe my feelings and I'm glad it doesn't. It's rainy and dreary outside, though. For those of you who wonder what I looked like as a baby... the picture at left is of me, with my brother behind me. It was sent from the folks who raised me and my friend just came across it again. My dots have become more pronounced, haven't they? I also think my ears have become less noticeably white.
BUNNY FACT: The phenol in soft wood-chip litters can cause damage to the lungs of rabbits. Hard woods contain less phenol, but still wouldn't be a 'number 1" choice.
Someone recently asked me what I do use. Recycled paper litter is my favorite. It's safe, but somewhat expensive. We normally line the bottom of the litter pan with kitty litter. The phenol in wood chips is inhaled by the bunny, whereas kitty litter could only be detrimental to a bunny if he ate it. I've never eaten kitty litter, so I don't have a problem with it.
Some people use hay or straw as bedding/litter. My friend never used hay as a litter, because she wanted me to eat only clean hay. Young rabbits are more susceptible to diarrhea and things of that nature that could be caused by eating & going to the bathroom with the same stuff.
BUNNY FACT: Maturing is part of life. Remember to think of someone's age and maturity level before dishing out punishments or even just criticizing them.
Eat some clean hay for me - My bunny friends, that is!
If you're a human, you don't have to eat any hay for me :)
baby bunny picture,
kitty litter,
wood chips
Sunday, November 25, 2007
Another Day In My Life
Ever notice how your life seems so busy... but when you think about the stuff you actually accomplish it doesn't seem like it should be busy? I'm kind of feeling like that right now. I'm having a hard time figuring out something really interesting to tell about my life. I know it's not boring, but you probably don't want to hear more about my carrot cravings or litter-pan mistakes.
Hopefully, I can soon get some more pictures!! That would help a bit, I'm sure. This coming week- this week - I'll upload more pics if at ALL possible.
BUNNY FACT: The heaviest bunny recorded, according to this website, weighed about 25 pounds. For two neat pictures of BIG rabbits, check this site. They're worth checking out if you like bunnies :)
BUNNY WISDOM: When you say you're going to do something, give it your all to make sure you do it. That's the bunny wisdom for today, to help me make sure I get some pictures to you this week!
Hopefully, I can soon get some more pictures!! That would help a bit, I'm sure. This coming week- this week - I'll upload more pics if at ALL possible.
BUNNY FACT: The heaviest bunny recorded, according to this website, weighed about 25 pounds. For two neat pictures of BIG rabbits, check this site. They're worth checking out if you like bunnies :)
BUNNY WISDOM: When you say you're going to do something, give it your all to make sure you do it. That's the bunny wisdom for today, to help me make sure I get some pictures to you this week!
25 pound rabbit,
biggest bunny ever,
carrot cravings
Saturday, November 24, 2007
Happy... um... Saturday!
Today isn't really anything special. Everyone else is eating leftovers, while I get fresh food everyday. That's something I'm thankful for :-) But, from what I've heard, human-food leftovers aren't that awfully bad. The bunny wisdom and fact for today are just miscellaneous.
BUNNY FACT: The estimated top speed of a domestic rabbit is 30 mph. Few pet rabbits ever see any reason to take flight like that, though.
I don't think I have ever gone over 10 mph. That doesn't mean I've had a slow-paced life, just that I'm having a reasonable one.
BUNNY WISDOM: Have you ever stood in awe of the Heavens? I can see the starry skies out my window at night. What majesty! What incredible design! What expanse! Take a break every now and then to slow down and observe our world.
I'm ready for another nap. See you later!
BUNNY FACT: The estimated top speed of a domestic rabbit is 30 mph. Few pet rabbits ever see any reason to take flight like that, though.
I don't think I have ever gone over 10 mph. That doesn't mean I've had a slow-paced life, just that I'm having a reasonable one.
BUNNY WISDOM: Have you ever stood in awe of the Heavens? I can see the starry skies out my window at night. What majesty! What incredible design! What expanse! Take a break every now and then to slow down and observe our world.
I'm ready for another nap. See you later!
Friday, November 23, 2007
Happy Black Friday!
Yesterday was a good day. With friends, family, and food there isn't much else that's necessary. Neither I, nor my friend went shopping today, but I applaud those who did - and kept their cool while doing it! With money, merchandise, and madness, there is much that could go wrong.
Hopefully everyone else had a nice holiday as well. Holidays can be the best of times or the worst of times. Stress and well-coordinated events often go together.
BUNNY FACT: Stress can be very hard on bunnies. Many things can cause it, so before making a big change in diet, location, or anything else, try to consider the effect it will have on your little friend.
BUNNY WISDOM: With so much thankfulness around these past few days, how many of us have thought about applying our thankfulness year-round? Rabbits generally don't act differently on special days, they are themselves 24/7. Just something to think about.
Did anyone buy something for their rabbit, or other pet, today?
Hopefully everyone else had a nice holiday as well. Holidays can be the best of times or the worst of times. Stress and well-coordinated events often go together.
BUNNY FACT: Stress can be very hard on bunnies. Many things can cause it, so before making a big change in diet, location, or anything else, try to consider the effect it will have on your little friend.
BUNNY WISDOM: With so much thankfulness around these past few days, how many of us have thought about applying our thankfulness year-round? Rabbits generally don't act differently on special days, they are themselves 24/7. Just something to think about.
Did anyone buy something for their rabbit, or other pet, today?
black friday,
Thursday, November 22, 2007
Happy Thanksgiving!
This is going to be a good day. I can smell it already.
BUNNY FACT: Those twitchy bunny noses? It's not just an act to make us look cute. We rely heavily on our olfactory senses to find out what's coming. Whether food or foe, bunnies everywhere like to know what's going on!
BUNNY WISDOM: Be careful where being overly inquisitive can lead you. Whether it is to spoiling the hiding place of surprise gifts or unearthing a long-forgotten grudge - use some consideration when spending time with friends and family this holiday season.
Make memories. Eat a slice of yummy pumpkin pie for me. But perhaps forgo the second and third one, if at all possible :-)
Again, I say a happy Thanksgiving to you all!
BUNNY FACT: Those twitchy bunny noses? It's not just an act to make us look cute. We rely heavily on our olfactory senses to find out what's coming. Whether food or foe, bunnies everywhere like to know what's going on!
BUNNY WISDOM: Be careful where being overly inquisitive can lead you. Whether it is to spoiling the hiding place of surprise gifts or unearthing a long-forgotten grudge - use some consideration when spending time with friends and family this holiday season.
Make memories. Eat a slice of yummy pumpkin pie for me. But perhaps forgo the second and third one, if at all possible :-)
Again, I say a happy Thanksgiving to you all!
pumpkin pie,
twitchy bunny noses
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Modern Technology : (
The digital camera I mentioned did again fail to work. It turns on, then shuts off as soon as you try to snap a picture. So, please excuse me for not having any new pictures for a while. Marvelous technology! On the other hand, if it weren't for technology, my life would not be blogged about.
On a brighter note still, this is the seventh posting since I've started my blog last week. It hasn't been too hard yet to find things to write about, and I'm just glad I've been able to be faithful for the first complete week.
BUNNY FACT: Rabbits of almost all ages enjoy a good toy. Inexpensive ones like a cardboard tube from paper towels are great! We happen to have an old apple tree outside, so I got a fresh piece of apple wood to chew on recently. Other woods should be aged 3-6 months, and some woods like peach and cherry shouldn't be given at all.
BUNNY WISDOM: When things go wrong, such as an electronic product going hay-wire, it's okay to vent some frustration. Just try to make it harmless to others as well as yourself.
With Thanksgiving tomorrow, I have a lot to do. I'm thinking I ought to keep alert for any new visitors, by sight and scents.
On a brighter note still, this is the seventh posting since I've started my blog last week. It hasn't been too hard yet to find things to write about, and I'm just glad I've been able to be faithful for the first complete week.
BUNNY FACT: Rabbits of almost all ages enjoy a good toy. Inexpensive ones like a cardboard tube from paper towels are great! We happen to have an old apple tree outside, so I got a fresh piece of apple wood to chew on recently. Other woods should be aged 3-6 months, and some woods like peach and cherry shouldn't be given at all.
BUNNY WISDOM: When things go wrong, such as an electronic product going hay-wire, it's okay to vent some frustration. Just try to make it harmless to others as well as yourself.
With Thanksgiving tomorrow, I have a lot to do. I'm thinking I ought to keep alert for any new visitors, by sight and scents.
modern technology,
rabbit toys,
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
The Sounds of Music
Most people, animals, and possibly even plants, enjoy good music. Nice music can do more than "calm the savage beast," but also revive the weary spirit. When she's not feeling great my friend plays something on the piano. When she's too tired or strung-up to play she turns on classical music or instrumental hymns. Naturally, I love every type she does. I'm not sure if it's because I grew up with it or because I like being and thinking like her, or what!
BUNNY FACT: Will a bunny placed on a piano know any masterpieces? No. Will he or she have fun anyway? Probably. Based upon my experiences, rabbits like new and interesting things.
As I implied in the "Bunny Fact," there are limits on the talents of rabbits. Whereas some people are geniuses when it comes to playing instruments, I know of no bunnies that have ever played a coherent piece of music without being physically made to do so. Is there such a thing as a "genius" bunny, with extra-lagomorphic powers? Until I see it, I will consider all rabbits "geniuses" because of the sway they have with people.
BUNNY WIDSOM: When you have influence with someone, be careful how you use it. Anyone can tear down a reputation or whole life, but it takes something more to build up. Imagine one child constructing a tower of blocks and another crashing it down to the ground. Which child is using more intelligence? Which role are your words and actions doing??
As I posted yesterday, my friend has plans for today. She may try to get on again tonight to take and upload some pictures. Her digital camera is being stubborn... it wouldn't work this morning when I was on the piano :( It has acted up in that way before, so I trust it will work again sometime.
BUNNY FACT: Will a bunny placed on a piano know any masterpieces? No. Will he or she have fun anyway? Probably. Based upon my experiences, rabbits like new and interesting things.
As I implied in the "Bunny Fact," there are limits on the talents of rabbits. Whereas some people are geniuses when it comes to playing instruments, I know of no bunnies that have ever played a coherent piece of music without being physically made to do so. Is there such a thing as a "genius" bunny, with extra-lagomorphic powers? Until I see it, I will consider all rabbits "geniuses" because of the sway they have with people.
BUNNY WIDSOM: When you have influence with someone, be careful how you use it. Anyone can tear down a reputation or whole life, but it takes something more to build up. Imagine one child constructing a tower of blocks and another crashing it down to the ground. Which child is using more intelligence? Which role are your words and actions doing??
As I posted yesterday, my friend has plans for today. She may try to get on again tonight to take and upload some pictures. Her digital camera is being stubborn... it wouldn't work this morning when I was on the piano :( It has acted up in that way before, so I trust it will work again sometime.
digital camera malfunction,
Sound of Music
Monday, November 19, 2007
Pizza Night!
Normally pizza night is Tuesday. My friend has plans tomorrow, so tonight we're having pizza. Not really we, just her... I'm not allowed to have pizza! But I delight in the smell of it!
BUNNY FACT: Let me readily say that no bunny should be given pizza! Lots of different veggies and fruits are wonderful, but even veggie pizza is not.
Maybe if any of you have allergies you can relate. Some people can't have peanuts or chocolate. For a list of good and bad foods for bunnies, click here.
BUNNY WISDOM: When there is something we are not allowed to have, it is often in our best interest not to fight it - to stay away from the object or activity in question. At least far enough away not to be able to lick it... smelling it might be okay : )
BUNNY FACT: Let me readily say that no bunny should be given pizza! Lots of different veggies and fruits are wonderful, but even veggie pizza is not.
Maybe if any of you have allergies you can relate. Some people can't have peanuts or chocolate. For a list of good and bad foods for bunnies, click here.
BUNNY WISDOM: When there is something we are not allowed to have, it is often in our best interest not to fight it - to stay away from the object or activity in question. At least far enough away not to be able to lick it... smelling it might be okay : )
Sunday, November 18, 2007
A Quiet, Sleepy Evening
Actually, it's been sort of a sleepy whole day for me. Perhaps it's the weather? I was also tuckered out yesterday, since we had a guest who wanted to play with me :-)
Our guest brought some sad news; a distant relative has passed away. If I heard correctly, he was at the ripe, old age of 94. It made me wonder what the average lifespan for a bunny is! Naturally, just like people, there is no guarantee of tomorrow. But, how much more time do I probably have to live with my wonderful friends? About nine or so years at least, hopefully!
BUNNY FACT: An average rabbit's lifespan is 9-10 years. Many things contribute to the health and long life of a rabbit, including whether the bunny has been (altered) fixed, how much stress is placed upon the animal, and the overall cleanliness of the living area.
Should any of you be interested in adding a rabbit to your family, please don't purchase one from a pet shop. Sometimes they are unhealthy and they're often not used to a lot of human contact - in other words they probably won't like people! Local rescues and shelters might have the bunny for you. It never hurts to look and see what they have available, and you may save another animal from being euthanized.
In my opinion, a rabbit breeder is the best place to find a young, purebred bunny. That way, you can meet the folks who've raised him/her and they can give you advice. I came from a breeder at 12 weeks of age (an optimum age for weaned bunnies to readjust into new homes). Rabbit enthusiasts may breed rabbits for the best of their specialized breed and have rabbits that don't meet the standard of perfection, but still make totally amazing pets!
BUNNY WISDOM: Cherish the moments you have and never waste them on bickering, backbiting or things of that nature. We bunnies know they don't help anything! Well... usually we know that. "Everybunny" slips up sometimes.
Our guest brought some sad news; a distant relative has passed away. If I heard correctly, he was at the ripe, old age of 94. It made me wonder what the average lifespan for a bunny is! Naturally, just like people, there is no guarantee of tomorrow. But, how much more time do I probably have to live with my wonderful friends? About nine or so years at least, hopefully!
BUNNY FACT: An average rabbit's lifespan is 9-10 years. Many things contribute to the health and long life of a rabbit, including whether the bunny has been (altered) fixed, how much stress is placed upon the animal, and the overall cleanliness of the living area.
Should any of you be interested in adding a rabbit to your family, please don't purchase one from a pet shop. Sometimes they are unhealthy and they're often not used to a lot of human contact - in other words they probably won't like people! Local rescues and shelters might have the bunny for you. It never hurts to look and see what they have available, and you may save another animal from being euthanized.
In my opinion, a rabbit breeder is the best place to find a young, purebred bunny. That way, you can meet the folks who've raised him/her and they can give you advice. I came from a breeder at 12 weeks of age (an optimum age for weaned bunnies to readjust into new homes). Rabbit enthusiasts may breed rabbits for the best of their specialized breed and have rabbits that don't meet the standard of perfection, but still make totally amazing pets!
BUNNY WISDOM: Cherish the moments you have and never waste them on bickering, backbiting or things of that nature. We bunnies know they don't help anything! Well... usually we know that. "Everybunny" slips up sometimes.
altered bunny,
pet shop,
rabbit lifespan,
Saturday, November 17, 2007
So what do I do on Saturday, you may ask? Contrary to popular belief, I don't get up either early or late. Neither do I awaken on time. How can this be?
BUNNY FACT: Rabbits are considered either semi-nocturnal or crepuscular, which means they are most active around the times of sunrise and sunset. They generally sleep during short bunny-naps during the day.
Now, what do I do with the rest of my Saturday that I don't spend sleeping? The answer is, not very much! I normally do some web-surfing to learn new things. Of course, I don't forget to eat! Lately, on Saturday mornings I've been getting a little treat of apple. My favorite type is Golden Delicious... mmm. I wonder if I'll get some today?
BUNNY WISDOM: Treats are great! However, if we got them all the time, they wouldn't be very special. Delight in having the treat, and be thankful to those who've made it possible for you to have it.
I also like to do some old-fashioned, book reading, especially on chilly weekend evenings. There is something noble in that. You may have heard of "Reader Rabbit," but have you ever wondered what it looks like when an actual rabbit reads a book? Perhaps I'll let you see a picture of me reading sometime!
BUNNY FACT: Rabbits are considered either semi-nocturnal or crepuscular, which means they are most active around the times of sunrise and sunset. They generally sleep during short bunny-naps during the day.
Now, what do I do with the rest of my Saturday that I don't spend sleeping? The answer is, not very much! I normally do some web-surfing to learn new things. Of course, I don't forget to eat! Lately, on Saturday mornings I've been getting a little treat of apple. My favorite type is Golden Delicious... mmm. I wonder if I'll get some today?
BUNNY WISDOM: Treats are great! However, if we got them all the time, they wouldn't be very special. Delight in having the treat, and be thankful to those who've made it possible for you to have it.
I also like to do some old-fashioned, book reading, especially on chilly weekend evenings. There is something noble in that. You may have heard of "Reader Rabbit," but have you ever wondered what it looks like when an actual rabbit reads a book? Perhaps I'll let you see a picture of me reading sometime!
Friday, November 16, 2007
Post Number 2
First off, I want to say I won't number every post... promise- hehe. Tonight I don't have a lot to write, but I've been researching more about my breed at the Illustrated Holland Lop Standard website. I will proceed with my Bunny Fact of the day.
BUNNY FACT: All standards for ARBA(American Rabbit Breeder's Association)- recognized rabbit breeds are particular, and sometimes strict. For example, the wrong color toenails could be grounds for disqualification in a "sanctioned" rabbit show. If you've noticed, my ears aren't solid "tort," so I do not have perfect color markings.
BUNNY WISDOM: Our differences may make us better or worse for certain tasks The key is to take those tasks we are good at and make them exceptional, while taking the tasks we aren't very good at and make the acceptable.
I've spent some time (with help from my friend) learning how to properly pose, as if I were in a rabbit show. I most likely never will be shown, but it is fun to practice. When I first tried I was lousy - I couldn't keep still for a moment! But I'm catching on, and doing my best.
BUNNY FACT: All standards for ARBA(American Rabbit Breeder's Association)- recognized rabbit breeds are particular, and sometimes strict. For example, the wrong color toenails could be grounds for disqualification in a "sanctioned" rabbit show. If you've noticed, my ears aren't solid "tort," so I do not have perfect color markings.
BUNNY WISDOM: Our differences may make us better or worse for certain tasks The key is to take those tasks we are good at and make them exceptional, while taking the tasks we aren't very good at and make the acceptable.
I've spent some time (with help from my friend) learning how to properly pose, as if I were in a rabbit show. I most likely never will be shown, but it is fun to practice. When I first tried I was lousy - I couldn't keep still for a moment! But I'm catching on, and doing my best.
bunny fact,
rabbit toenails,
sanctioned rabbit show
Thursday, November 15, 2007
Welcome to My Bunny Life
This is my bunny blog. I welcome bunny-lovers everywhere with a twitchy nose and floppy ears. Everyday (or almost everyday :) I will post some Bunny Wisdom and an educational Bunny Fact. Have a comment or question about anything I write? You may email me personally at DotTheBunny@gmail.com or post a comment on my blog. Comments are screened to keep everyone safe from mean or obscene words. Tell your friends and tell you family about my digitally expressed, modern bunny life! Join in by commenting before December 31, 2007 to be entered to win a surprise bunny-themed gift, valued at over $10. One entry per person, unless you suggest a unique way to make this a better bunny blog, then you get an extra one!
Today, I will tell you a little bit about myself. I was born on August 1, 2007. So, most of you readers are probably older than me. My mom and dad are both pedigreed, Holland Lop rabbits. My owner, who I call my friend, lets me run around the house most of the time, but I also have a nice pen and clean litterbox. Sometimes I gorge on my hay : ) but there really aren't any side effects to it - so when I feel like it, I eat to my heart's content. Pellets are good as well, but I'm not allowed to eat too much of them, or else I could become overweight.
BUNNY FACT: Obesity is detrimental to the health of a bunny. Check the weight standards for your breed of bunny & feed accordingly. Hay may be safely fed in unlimited amounts.
My friend likes to tell me her problems. When she does, I get to help her through them by giving bunny kisses & I believe that just being there for her gives some relief. I also get told of things going well in the rest of her life. Personally, I enjoy the happy things more than the sad. I suppose most people and bunnies do. It's the balance of good times and bad times that make life interesting. Sometimes when I tell her about my difficulties she smiles. Occasionally she laughs, but it's always that "you're a silly bunny" laugh and isn't meant to ridicule me.
BUNNY WISDOM: Problems are easier to solve when you tell someone. Keeping your feelings, whether good ones or bad, bottled up doesn't help anyone. Good stories spread happiness. Sad stories can help others in their situations.
The other day my friend and I went for a romp in the freshly fallen leaves. I had a blast! Here's a picture of me...

That's all for right now. I am feeling sleepy, so I am going to take a nap.
Today, I will tell you a little bit about myself. I was born on August 1, 2007. So, most of you readers are probably older than me. My mom and dad are both pedigreed, Holland Lop rabbits. My owner, who I call my friend, lets me run around the house most of the time, but I also have a nice pen and clean litterbox. Sometimes I gorge on my hay : ) but there really aren't any side effects to it - so when I feel like it, I eat to my heart's content. Pellets are good as well, but I'm not allowed to eat too much of them, or else I could become overweight.
BUNNY FACT: Obesity is detrimental to the health of a bunny. Check the weight standards for your breed of bunny & feed accordingly. Hay may be safely fed in unlimited amounts.
My friend likes to tell me her problems. When she does, I get to help her through them by giving bunny kisses & I believe that just being there for her gives some relief. I also get told of things going well in the rest of her life. Personally, I enjoy the happy things more than the sad. I suppose most people and bunnies do. It's the balance of good times and bad times that make life interesting. Sometimes when I tell her about my difficulties she smiles. Occasionally she laughs, but it's always that "you're a silly bunny" laugh and isn't meant to ridicule me.
BUNNY WISDOM: Problems are easier to solve when you tell someone. Keeping your feelings, whether good ones or bad, bottled up doesn't help anyone. Good stories spread happiness. Sad stories can help others in their situations.
The other day my friend and I went for a romp in the freshly fallen leaves. I had a blast! Here's a picture of me...

That's all for right now. I am feeling sleepy, so I am going to take a nap.
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