Friday, January 4, 2008

It's Friday!

Good morning & welcome to My Bunny Life this Friday! Many people are in a better mood on Friday, not excluding me. I can tell when others are more relaxed and upbeat, you know.

I just found this clip-art picture. If only I would have seen this pic when I chewed on the slippers! It almost sums up the look I gave my friend. I've been very good lately. Just thought I'd mention that :-)

BUNNY FACT: Did you know rabbits teeth keep on growing throughout their lives? Only chewing wears them down. Remember to keep something for you bunny to gnaw on!

BUNNY WISDOM: Ah, preventative measures. They may be worth their weight in gold. You see, if not taken proper care of, a rabbit can get "malocclusion" or some such malady. If you have the inclination and guts, check out this site with pictures of poor, badly-teethed bunnies...

Just a note - the "Article of the Day" did change. If you're interested in the Rabbit Proof Fence, please use the link I provided in that post.


PL said...

Happy new year! I've made a habbit of visiting your site once a while. Keep up the good work!

Anonymous said...

Hey Dot,
How are you? Thanks for more great bunny posts!

Ellie said...

Whoa, that is so crazy. I just posted about bunny teeth, then checked my Google bunny alerts and this popped up. You have such an awesome, very comprehensive blog!

B to the U the NNY. =)

^_^ Dot ^_^ said...

Hello everybody - Thanks for posting comments!

D.elizabeth - you've got a great site too! When I first looked at the URL for your page I was like "dot-he-hop???" I soon noticed it's "do-the-hop!" ~ LOLOLOL ~