I do have a little story to tell, though. On Saturday we bought bunny pellets,
brought them home, and found they had been wet. They looked a bit like this ... Notice how it isn't all uniformly pelleted? Little pockets had absorbed moisture and re-formed into globby masses. Kind of gross if you ask me. Needless to say we returned the bag speedily. The next bag we got was nice and fresh.
Other than that, not much has been going on.
BUNNY FACT: Moldy food can kill bunnies! Even though it didn't look like the food we bought was moldy, the fact that is was wet made it very possible that mold spores were present. It's not worth taking the chance on your rabbit's health.
BUNNY WISDOM: Always try to get a full night's sleep. It doesn't work well for humans to try a sleep routine like bunnies!
I'm going to go nap a bit. zzzz....
I feed Molly Oxbow bunny food. She loves it! What brand do you prefer?
I had been using a local feed mill's brand... you know, supporting the local economy, not using as much fuel, etc. Now I'm using Pen Pals. I've heard only good about them.
Glad to hear from you again ;)
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