Wednesday, January 2, 2008

The Value of a Rabbit

I often check bunny sites, some of which are based in other countries. Rabbits are a popular pet globally! While browsing one site from the U.K. I noticed (after converting euros to dollars) that an average price for a bunny there is equal to about $35.

In the states, it all depends on which pet shop, rescue, or breeder you go to. I've seen mixed-breed, almost un-domesticated bunnies sold for as low as $5-10. I think that's kind of a shame. Shouldn't all bunnies be worth more than that? Shouldn't all bunnies be brought up with love and attention, so that they're calm (for the most part :) ?

I'm really not sure why people spend thousands of dollars on dogs. I know many of them are bigger, but bigger isn't always better! I wish bunnies, cavies, and hamsters weren't considered "throw-away" pets.

BUNNY FACT: A rabbit could save your life. Really. Read about how Dory, a pet bunny, saved her owner's life here.

BUNNY WISDOM: It sure would be nice to get a little more respect, wouldn't it? At least I'm loved and respected by my family, and that's what really counts.

By the way, I personally picked out the winner from the contest - and it's "Jill!" Congrats. There were eight entries. I will do this again sometime. See you later!

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